Maxi Designs ~ Handmade

Maxi Designs ~ Handmade

I have a passion not only for writing, but for designing and creating items by hand. I'm professional trained as an Interior designer FdA with Distinction. My other strengths are in the needle work area, which I'm fine tuning with a seamstress course at present. But I also like working with beads, Jewellery making, drawing, and in I love particularly making my own gifts.

Anyone who knows me personally, will know that I've always got a design project of some sort in the making!

And for the first time, I'm going to share some of these projects with you..... it's very nerve raking, because it's quite a personal thing, an item you've made by your own hand. But I hope you enjoy seeing them, half as much as, I've enjoyed making them!

I thought also, I would do some design mood boards too. Of styles, designs or even unusual designs or items, which have inspired me. And maybe they will inspire you along the way too...

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Cute Teddy Bear, Hand Stitched.

Handmade Stitched 

Cute Teddy Bear Cross Stitch Picture

Hello again, and thank you for joining me.

For my second Maxi Designs, Handmade blog, I thought I'd share with you a project, I've only just finished.  Now this is actually a Christmas gift, to my will be at the time, 2 year old niece.  Hence why it's a cute Teddy Bear picture.  I'm just hoping todays young children/ babies have little, to no interest in blogs! lol 

I know, I said that scary word Christmas!  But if you are going to make, design, or create, your own gifts.  You do need to think about these things, almost as soon as the last decorations are put away from the year before.  I drive my husband insane, by always being on the look out, collecting and/ or making Christmas gifts.  Poor guy, I think Christmas is a word he hears all year round!! 

This cute Teddy Bear has been hand stitched, in the cross stitch method. My favoured method! And also designed and created by myself too.  It's not from a kit or pack, so a completely unique gift to my niece to keep. 

I have used this teddy design once before, as a birth sampler gift.  But he's so cute, I just had to find an excuse to use him again... and I finally found one!

Here are a few photo's of the teddy in the making...

As you can see from this photo, I've just about finished the base colour for the teddies body, there is only the section where my needle sits to fill in now.  After this stage, is the shading, to add depth, and really bring the teddy to life on the canvas.  You can already see a hint of this around his nose.  

And here is the completed teddy.  You can now see the different colour shading, which bring him to life.  Now he need some grass to sit on, so the darker shading on his legs looks more in contrast. 

My completed cute teddy bear, with black outline around the flowers and insects, but a must dark brown around the teddy himself.  I feel this add depth and interest, along with making him look softer and cuddlier around the edges!

I wonder can you see all the insects...? There is 1 Ant, 2 Ladybirds, 3 Butterflies, 5 Flies, and 3 Bee's! 

I've then framed him in a simple white box frame. 

I think personally he's totally adorable, and want to keep himself.

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